LONGMEADOW HIGH SCHOOL | 95 GRASSY GUTTER ROAD | LONGMEADOW, MA 01106 | P 413-565-4220 | F413-565- 4233
Holly Maggi
413-565-4220 Ext. 2418
Jenn MacInnis
School Health Services foster growth, development and educational achievement of Massachusetts' students by promoting their health and well being. It monitors health status and identifies and addresses the unmet needs of students, families, and school personnel. It builds public and private partnerships to ensure quality services that are effective, culturally appropriate, and responsive to the diverse, changing needs of students and their communities. Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services
All Longmeadow Public School nurses are registered nurses with experience in pediatrics or public health. All school nurses, like teachers, are certified by the state. The nurses must meet the same continuing education requirements as teachers as well as the requirements to maintain their nursing licenses.
School nurses are available to perform first aid on staff who may require it. They are available to do blood pressure readings upon request. Nurses also conduct a yearly flu clinic for employees.

COVID-19 Guidance for Districts and Schools – Fall 2021
On July 30th, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) released a joint memo on COVID-19 Guidance for Districts and Schools – Fall 2021. As outlined in the memo, all schools are required to be in-person, full-time, five days a week for the 2021-22 school year, and all previously released DESE health and safety requirements are lifted. In addition to outlining recommendations for school and district policies on masking, the memo also previewed new COVID-19 testing and quarantine response protocols for schools.
This document, DESE/DPH Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios - SY 2021-22, outlines the testing and quarantine response protocols for SY 2021-22, including the new “Test and Stay” protocol for districts in the statewide COVID-19 testing program or for districts with a similar, separate testing initiative. With the addition of Test and Stay, we hope to support districts and schools in keeping as many students in school as possible, safely, this school year.
All students in Grades 5-9 are screened annually for scoliosis. Parents are notified of any deviations.
When a student is diagnosed with conjunctivitis, the student cannot return to school until he/she has had 3 doses of the prescribed medication. Students may also be excluded if their immunizations are not up to date according to state guidelines.
Heights and weights are checked and graphed intermittently throughout the student's school career. Parents are notified when there is a marked deviation from the previous results.
Vision and hearing screenings are performed periodically throughout the student's career. Parents are notified of abnormal results.
A documented physical exam by a health care provider is required annually for all students who participates in sports. If a hardship exists then the school physician is available to perform a brief exam. This must be arranged in advance with the high school nurse.